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Aurora Psicologia

Get to know the psychotherapy service specialised in adults and teenagers

Psychotherapy for adults and adolescents

The specialisation allows us to be more professional and offer a more effective treatment.

Based on the individual

Each person is unic and the treatment is based on the specific needs of each one, through the use of methods that have been proven as effective.

Humane, quality-based and professional

Services based on quality and methods that have been proven as effective from different psychology approaches.

Catalan, Spanish and English

Psychotherapy in Catalan, Spanish, and English.
Located in Molins de Rei but it is also possible to do on-line therapy.

What do you need?

The time has come for you to prioritize yourself, look inside and realize what you need to be able to paint your future. Access the services page and say what do you think could help you.

Contact for a first visit!
